It is not easy to stereotype or generalized a common profil of Indonesian girl. For centuries the thousand islands nation of Indonesia has been the melting pot of people of diversed culture and ethnicity. For centuries the island has welcome its newcomer from South and East Asia, middle east then European, this composite influence the make up of Indonesian people .
Most of Indonesian celebrities can be trace has a mixed blood.
Eurasians are the most familiar faces on celebrities list, such as Sophia Latjuba, Tamara Blezinsky, Nadya Hutagalung, Tracy Trinita, Meriam Bellina, Dewi Sandra, Cathryn Wilson and many others.
The majority of Indonesian people adore these beautiful Eurasian girls or guys. So no wonder if they are on top of local celebrity list. But there are more beauty than just those Eurasian. There are more local hot babes need to be found and exposed. Local Javanese babe Tiara Lestari has succeded in penetrating international modelling and then the sensuality of Julia Perez and more.
By visiting this site, i hope it would help you understand the uniquenes and diversity of Indonesian girls.